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隐藏置顶帖 本论坛的 $\mathrm\LaTeX$ 公式的基本输入[2021-9-26更新]  ...234 kuing 2013-6-14 00:07 6460189 hbghlyj 2025-3-1 06:58
隐藏置顶帖 关于回帖的注意事项 kuing 2013-10-27 20:28 128817 hbghlyj 2025-2-24 05:41
隐藏置顶帖 本论坛的自定义命令[2016-4-5更新\edr...\endedr] kuing 2013-6-14 00:23 2214577 kuing 2022-11-13 12:28
半代数集 投影 量词消去 hbghlyj 2021-12-30 12:29 5331 hbghlyj 2025-3-4 03:29
[几何] Deriving Kepler's Laws hbghlyj 2024-10-26 18:36 214 hbghlyj 2024-10-26 18:37
[几何] The Clebsch Diagonal Surface hbghlyj 2024-10-26 18:22 07 hbghlyj 2024-10-26 18:22
非对称三角不等式 hbghlyj 2024-10-14 00:04 013 hbghlyj 2024-10-14 00:04
最强的二次三角不等式 hbghlyj 2024-10-13 23:58 03 hbghlyj 2024-10-13 23:58
[几何] The Nine-point Conic and a Pair of Parallel Lines hbghlyj 2024-9-28 17:05 113 hbghlyj 2024-9-28 17:11
[不等式] 一非常硬 (one very hard) tommywong 2024-3-2 21:24 055 tommywong 2024-3-2 21:24
[几何] 一些过期链接(已存档wayback machine)射影曲线 hbghlyj 2024-2-14 20:59 232 hbghlyj 2024-2-14 21:58
Do Funny.Math's credibility any good tommywong 2022-9-16 20:41 166 hbghlyj 2023-10-28 00:06
what is the answer tommywong 2022-11-13 18:09 164 hbghlyj 2023-10-28 00:01
The classification theorem hbghlyj 2022-10-27 06:18 268 hbghlyj 2023-10-10 06:18
[不等式] sorry ,but i don't find homo tommywong 2023-4-18 17:06 384 hbghlyj 2023-8-5 14:39
[组合] Finite Fourier analysis hbghlyj 2022-3-18 05:30 2141 hbghlyj 2023-7-4 23:06
Thinning of Poisson processes hbghlyj 2022-12-2 03:44 670 hbghlyj 2023-6-17 21:04
Borel's paradox hbghlyj 2022-10-29 17:44 594 hbghlyj 2023-6-17 20:41
2×2 normal matrices are multiples of unitary matrices hbghlyj 2022-11-29 06:16 591 Czhang271828 2023-6-9 22:21
[函数] integrate around essential singularity hbghlyj 2023-6-5 18:21 648 hbghlyj 2023-6-6 04:53
[函数] integrate around non-isolated singularity hbghlyj 2023-6-5 18:31 347 hbghlyj 2023-6-6 03:26
[函数] change of variables $ax-bx^{-1}$ hbghlyj 2023-6-6 02:50 327 hbghlyj 2023-6-6 03:12
identification of polygons sides hbghlyj 2023-2-23 01:41 11115 Czhang271828 2023-6-1 16:34
Quotient of ℂ by the Eisenstein integers hbghlyj 2023-6-1 16:30 039 hbghlyj 2023-6-1 16:30
Commutative Algebra, Lecture1-3, Cambridge 2010 hbghlyj 2023-5-4 05:17 558 hbghlyj 2023-6-1 06:35
$f$ continuous$⇔f(\overline A)\subseteq\overline{f(A)}\;∀A⊆X$ hbghlyj 2022-10-24 04:04 451 hbghlyj 2023-5-24 02:53
keyhole contour hbghlyj 2023-5-19 16:05 056 hbghlyj 2023-5-19 16:05
[函数] Ergorov theorem hbghlyj 2023-5-9 23:56 053 hbghlyj 2023-5-9 23:56
∫sinc(x) hbghlyj 2023-5-8 05:17 154 hbghlyj 2023-5-8 05:32
Singular perturbation problem hbghlyj 2023-5-3 07:13 265 hbghlyj 2023-5-3 10:27
350 is solvable hbghlyj 2023-3-16 08:34 7105 hbghlyj 2023-5-2 17:13
outer Jordan content hbghlyj 2023-3-31 18:14 247 hbghlyj 2023-3-31 18:23
characteristic function of Cauchy distribution hbghlyj 2022-11-5 10:48 251 hbghlyj 2023-3-28 23:52
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