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If $A,B∈ℂ^{n×n}$ does $ABAB=0$ imply $BABA=0$? hbghlyj 2022-8-14 00:21 192 hbghlyj 2023-3-20 17:03
Law of the unconscious statistician hbghlyj 2023-3-10 07:32 155 hbghlyj 2023-3-10 07:38
classification of finitely generated abelian groups hbghlyj 2023-3-9 16:58 250 hbghlyj 2023-3-9 17:05
range of projection is invariant under a linear operator hbghlyj 2023-3-8 04:12 142 Czhang271828 2023-3-8 15:31
not equivalent to any matrix in Smith normal form hbghlyj 2023-3-4 02:33 555 hbghlyj 2023-3-6 21:06
two isomorphic $C(ℝ)$-modules whose presentation matrices are not equivalent hbghlyj 2023-3-4 07:20 1168 hbghlyj 2023-3-6 18:48
$|A·A|$ for $A$ a subset of abelian group $G$ not contained in any proper coset hbghlyj 2023-3-4 08:29 039 hbghlyj 2023-3-4 08:29
continuous functions that have a root 0 hbghlyj 2023-3-1 04:58 147 Czhang271828 2023-3-2 13:17
generalization of Cramer's rule ? hbghlyj 2023-3-2 09:23 026 hbghlyj 2023-3-2 09:23
⟨2,X⟩≇⨁cyclic modules hbghlyj 2023-2-21 08:48 354 hbghlyj 2023-2-27 01:02
finitely generated $ℤ$-module hbghlyj 2023-2-26 08:34 251 Czhang271828 2023-2-26 21:13
factor a linear map $R^m→M$ to linear maps $R^m→R^n$ and $R^n→M$ hbghlyj 2023-2-26 11:21 157 Czhang271828 2023-2-26 17:02
the ℤ-module ℚ has no minimal generating set hbghlyj 2023-2-26 03:58 131 hbghlyj 2023-2-26 06:56
[Lebesgue integral] Change of variable hbghlyj 2023-2-24 06:58 232 hbghlyj 2023-2-24 08:55
Why this determinant is nonnegative orzweb111 2019-3-27 10:32 1647 hbghlyj 2023-2-19 18:58
intersection of two compact subsets in a space may be non-compact and not closed hbghlyj 2023-1-30 08:13 450 Czhang271828 2023-2-17 15:19
integral domain with the ACCP in which every maximal ideal is principal hbghlyj 2023-2-11 23:43 034 hbghlyj 2023-2-11 23:43
Is the quotient group $ℝ/ℚ$ the additive group of a ring hbghlyj 2023-1-24 05:27 148 Czhang271828 2023-2-11 20:16
Legendre’s equation and the Fredholm Alternative hbghlyj 2023-2-9 06:21 238 hbghlyj 2023-2-10 21:37
not every ideal in $\barℤ$ is finitely generated. hbghlyj 2023-2-8 06:51 039 hbghlyj 2023-2-8 06:51
Real canonical form hbghlyj 2022-11-12 21:27 454 hbghlyj 2023-1-13 05:22
Prove a function defined by integral is holomorphic hbghlyj 2023-1-12 01:56 340 hbghlyj 2023-1-12 22:02
关于Lagrange插值 和 LU,QR 分解 的12道题 hbghlyj 2023-1-10 22:39 029 hbghlyj 2023-1-10 22:39
minimal polynomial splits⇒diagonalisable hbghlyj 2023-1-8 22:51 133 hbghlyj 2023-1-8 23:02
[函数] 正交多项式列,满足$f_{n-1}$的根穿插于$f_n$的根 hbghlyj 2022-9-16 01:15 462 hbghlyj 2023-1-6 06:46
complex linearity of the Jacobian hbghlyj 2023-1-1 05:09 041 hbghlyj 2023-1-1 05:09
Riemann's removable singularity theorem hbghlyj 2022-9-13 18:12 139 hbghlyj 2022-12-31 05:06
A connected open subset of a normed space is polygonally connected. hbghlyj 2022-12-29 23:56 031 hbghlyj 2022-12-29 23:56
nested closed sets, lim diam≠0, can intersection be singleton? hbghlyj 2022-12-15 22:30 264 hbghlyj 2022-12-28 21:41
counting zeros (Rouché's theorem) hbghlyj 2022-11-20 08:21 143 hbghlyj 2022-12-28 21:28
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