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[函数] Example of a set that is closed and bounded but not compact hbghlyj 2022-8-2 04:19 8123 hbghlyj 2022-12-23 04:35
Closure of Ball = Closed Ball in Normed Space hbghlyj 2022-12-23 02:28 134 hbghlyj 2022-12-23 02:38
Riesz's lemma hbghlyj 2022-10-31 03:15 254 hbghlyj 2022-12-23 01:48
compactness of closed unit ball in normed spaces hbghlyj 2022-12-23 00:47 061 hbghlyj 2022-12-23 00:47
a non-compact metric space in which every sequence has a Cauchy subsequence hbghlyj 2022-12-22 18:25 043 hbghlyj 2022-12-22 18:25
derived set = closure of derived set, implies T0 ? hbghlyj 2022-12-17 20:06 065 hbghlyj 2022-12-17 20:06
[几何] CMU Putnam Seminar, geometry lecture hbghlyj 2022-12-16 19:27 982 hbghlyj 2022-12-17 00:50
[数论] PrimeOmega在相邻整数取值为1和-1 hbghlyj 2022-12-14 04:07 183 hbghlyj 2022-12-14 04:11
Roots of Unity (Ray Li) hbghlyj 2022-12-8 01:44 054 hbghlyj 2022-12-8 01:44
TeXmacs export test hbghlyj 2022-12-8 00:31 040 hbghlyj 2022-12-8 00:31
Morera's Theorem hbghlyj 2022-9-13 21:06 234 hbghlyj 2022-11-14 20:46
Matrix Orders In $\text{GL}(n,p)$ hbghlyj 2022-11-1 00:22 142 hbghlyj 2022-11-5 02:05
Wirtinger derivatives hbghlyj 2022-8-10 02:00 248 hbghlyj 2022-11-2 07:32
$\mathbf l^\infty$ is not separable hbghlyj 2022-10-25 00:46 248 Czhang271828 2022-10-31 19:33
One-sided surfaces hbghlyj 2022-10-27 05:47 038 hbghlyj 2022-10-27 05:47
Connected sums hbghlyj 2022-10-27 05:22 056 hbghlyj 2022-10-27 05:22
Gronwall’s inequality hbghlyj 2022-10-6 19:44 169 hbghlyj 2022-10-6 22:53
Schwarz and Poisson formulas hbghlyj 2022-10-4 21:54 242 hbghlyj 2022-10-4 22:24
Residue theorem hbghlyj 2022-9-23 01:33 249 hbghlyj 2022-9-23 03:40
Earring Space hbghlyj 2022-9-15 19:03 039 hbghlyj 2022-9-15 19:03
[几何] Poring over Poncelet hbghlyj 2022-4-25 23:02 270 hbghlyj 2022-9-14 19:24
Generating Functions hbghlyj 2022-3-16 23:58 2127 hbghlyj 2022-9-14 11:08
Casorati-Weierstrass Theorem hbghlyj 2022-9-13 21:47 038 hbghlyj 2022-9-13 21:47
Fundamental Theorem of Algebra hbghlyj 2022-9-13 20:41 134 hbghlyj 2022-9-13 20:48
The Identity Theorem hbghlyj 2022-9-13 00:51 134 hbghlyj 2022-9-13 01:01
a seq. of holomorphic functions uniformly on compacts to f ⇒ f is holomorphic hbghlyj 2022-9-13 00:32 035 hbghlyj 2022-9-13 00:32
Liouville’s theorem hbghlyj 2022-9-11 09:06 253 hbghlyj 2022-9-11 20:34
Cauchy’s Integral Formula hbghlyj 2022-9-11 03:05 159 hbghlyj 2022-9-11 05:44
converse to the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus hbghlyj 2022-9-10 20:50 144 hbghlyj 2022-9-11 01:24
Cauchy’s theorem for a star-like domain hbghlyj 2022-9-11 00:27 030 hbghlyj 2022-9-11 00:27
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