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Cauchy’s theorem for triangles hbghlyj 2022-9-10 21:28 135 hbghlyj 2022-9-10 22:59
fun topological spaces hbghlyj 2022-9-4 02:59 031 hbghlyj 2022-9-4 02:59
There is a connected subset of $𝐑^2$ which is not path-connected. hbghlyj 2022-8-21 21:36 146 hbghlyj 2022-9-4 02:50
[数论] EGMO 7 Problem 6 hbghlyj 2022-8-26 15:37 066 hbghlyj 2022-8-26 15:37
[几何] 帶狀群 (Frieze group) hbghlyj 2022-5-4 03:37 281 hbghlyj 2022-8-26 14:34
the Cantor set is an uncountable set with zero measure hbghlyj 2022-8-25 01:58 135 hbghlyj 2022-8-25 01:58
Cauchy-Hadamard formula hbghlyj 2022-8-24 03:00 148 hbghlyj 2022-8-24 03:04
学前教育 hbghlyj 2022-8-21 08:22 043 hbghlyj 2022-8-21 08:22
[几何] Möbius maps preserve circlines hbghlyj 2022-8-9 10:20 985 hbghlyj 2022-8-18 07:26
Geometry of Cubic Polynomials (Xavier Boesken) hbghlyj 2022-8-14 15:12 281 hbghlyj 2022-8-16 02:38
[函数] Identity of a conditional symmetric polynomial tommywong 2022-8-14 19:46 061 tommywong 2022-8-14 19:46
[几何] A property of K024 (Problemas-de-Geometría 334) hbghlyj 2022-8-14 07:54 051 hbghlyj 2022-8-14 07:54
[数论] Proth's Theorem hbghlyj 2022-6-30 06:55 6148 hbghlyj 2022-8-13 02:49
prove $\frac{f(x)}{x}$ is uniformly continuous in $[1,\infty]$ hbghlyj 2022-8-13 02:10 035 hbghlyj 2022-8-13 02:10
[函数] $x⁵-6x+3∈ℚ[x]$ is not solvable by radicals. hbghlyj 2022-7-13 03:56 3125 hbghlyj 2022-8-10 13:39
[组合] 通过计算概率证明存在性 hbghlyj 2022-3-17 18:36 7206 Czhang271828 2022-8-9 21:26
[几何] stereographic projection hbghlyj 2022-7-18 01:23 2110 hbghlyj 2022-8-8 12:12
[组合] Inclusion–exclusion principle hbghlyj 2022-6-27 03:19 481 Czhang271828 2022-8-6 21:43
[组合] chromatic index of $K_6$ hbghlyj 2022-4-15 12:24 1135 Czhang271828 2022-8-6 21:11
[组合] Counting Two Ways hbghlyj 2022-3-18 00:11 4237 Czhang271828 2022-8-2 20:04
Radicals and units in Ramanujan's work hbghlyj 2022-8-2 11:31 050 hbghlyj 2022-8-2 11:31
[函数] Bolzano's Continuous but Nowhere Differentiable Function hbghlyj 2022-8-1 22:49 255 hbghlyj 2022-8-2 00:33
[数论] Norm and Trace of an algebraic number hbghlyj 2022-6-18 17:41 269 Czhang271828 2022-7-29 17:00
[几何] 用扇形覆盖定长曲线 hbghlyj 2022-7-26 20:57 156 hbghlyj 2022-7-26 21:26
[几何] $\Bbb R^n$中的$n+1$条射线的夹角全都相等 hbghlyj 2022-7-20 20:08 358 hbghlyj 2022-7-20 20:41
[函数] $\cos\big(π\frac i{2n+1}\big)$连乘积 hbghlyj 2022-7-19 19:00 061 hbghlyj 2022-7-19 19:00
[几何] Compass Geometry hbghlyj 2022-7-17 06:08 975 hbghlyj 2022-7-18 00:49
[数列] the number of distinct real spectra for an orthogonal $n×n$ matrix hbghlyj 2022-7-16 00:53 172 hbghlyj 2022-7-16 02:54
[函数] Suppose $|A|=n,f:A→A$ is injective $\implies∃k∈[n]:f^k(x)=x$ hbghlyj 2022-7-12 03:20 054 hbghlyj 2022-7-12 03:20
[函数] L'Hôpital's rule, $\lim g'$ non-exist, cancellation in $f'/g'$ can cause error hbghlyj 2022-6-19 20:22 159 hbghlyj 2022-6-19 20:35
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