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隐藏置顶帖 本论坛的 $\mathrm\LaTeX$ 公式的基本输入[2021-9-26更新]  ...234 kuing 2013-6-14 00:07 6460189 hbghlyj 2025-3-1 06:58
隐藏置顶帖 本论坛的自定义命令[2016-4-5更新\edr...\endedr] kuing 2013-6-14 00:23 2214579 kuing 2022-11-13 12:28
隐藏置顶帖 关于回帖的注意事项 kuing 2013-10-27 20:28 128818 hbghlyj 2025-2-24 05:41
two isomorphic $C(ℝ)$-modules whose presentation matrices are not equivalent hbghlyj 2023-3-4 07:20 1168 hbghlyj 2023-3-6 18:48
[几何] CMU Putnam Seminar, geometry lecture hbghlyj 2022-12-16 19:27 982 hbghlyj 2022-12-17 00:50
identification of polygons sides hbghlyj 2023-2-23 01:41 11117 Czhang271828 2023-6-1 16:34
[不等式] 使$k^n/k!$最大的$k$ hbghlyj 2022-3-26 04:30 3211 hbghlyj 2022-3-26 23:23
[几何] Möbius maps preserve circlines hbghlyj 2022-8-9 10:20 985 hbghlyj 2022-8-18 07:26
[函数] Example of a set that is closed and bounded but not compact hbghlyj 2022-8-2 04:19 8123 hbghlyj 2022-12-23 04:35
[几何] Compass Geometry hbghlyj 2022-7-17 06:08 975 hbghlyj 2022-7-18 00:49
350 is solvable hbghlyj 2023-3-16 08:34 7107 hbghlyj 2023-5-2 17:13
Thinning of Poisson processes hbghlyj 2022-12-2 03:44 672 hbghlyj 2023-6-17 21:04
[数论] Proth's Theorem hbghlyj 2022-6-30 06:55 6148 hbghlyj 2022-8-13 02:49
[函数] integrate around essential singularity hbghlyj 2023-6-5 18:21 650 hbghlyj 2023-6-6 04:53
intersection of two compact subsets in a space may be non-compact and not closed hbghlyj 2023-1-30 08:13 450 Czhang271828 2023-2-17 15:19
Commutative Algebra, Lecture1-3, Cambridge 2010 hbghlyj 2023-5-4 05:17 560 hbghlyj 2023-6-1 06:35
2×2 normal matrices are multiples of unitary matrices hbghlyj 2022-11-29 06:16 593 Czhang271828 2023-6-9 22:21
[函数] $x⁵-6x+3∈ℚ[x]$ is not solvable by radicals. hbghlyj 2022-7-13 03:56 3125 hbghlyj 2022-8-10 13:39
Borel's paradox hbghlyj 2022-10-29 17:44 596 hbghlyj 2023-6-17 20:41
[函数] 独立连续函数 hbghlyj 2022-3-26 23:15 0150 hbghlyj 2022-3-26 23:15
not equivalent to any matrix in Smith normal form hbghlyj 2023-3-4 02:33 555 hbghlyj 2023-3-6 21:06
[组合] 通过计算概率证明存在性 hbghlyj 2022-3-17 18:36 7206 Czhang271828 2022-8-9 21:26
实对称矩阵的实对称立方根的唯一性 hbghlyj 2022-2-10 21:20 1147 业余的业余 2022-2-10 22:44
Singular perturbation problem hbghlyj 2023-5-3 07:13 267 hbghlyj 2023-5-3 10:27
$f$ continuous$⇔f(\overline A)\subseteq\overline{f(A)}\;∀A⊆X$ hbghlyj 2022-10-24 04:04 452 hbghlyj 2023-5-24 02:53
[组合] Inclusion–exclusion principle hbghlyj 2022-6-27 03:19 481 Czhang271828 2022-8-6 21:43
Real canonical form hbghlyj 2022-11-12 21:27 454 hbghlyj 2023-1-13 05:22
[不等式] sorry ,but i don't find homo tommywong 2023-4-18 17:06 386 hbghlyj 2023-8-5 14:39
Liouville’s theorem hbghlyj 2022-9-11 09:06 253 hbghlyj 2022-9-11 20:34
[几何] $\Bbb R^n$中的$n+1$条射线的夹角全都相等 hbghlyj 2022-7-20 20:08 358 hbghlyj 2022-7-20 20:41
[函数] 正交多项式列,满足$f_{n-1}$的根穿插于$f_n$的根 hbghlyj 2022-9-16 01:15 462 hbghlyj 2023-1-6 06:46
Law of the unconscious statistician hbghlyj 2023-3-10 07:32 155 hbghlyj 2023-3-10 07:38
[几何] stereographic projection hbghlyj 2022-7-18 01:23 2110 hbghlyj 2022-8-8 12:12
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