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第四维度 互动书











hbghlyj 发表于 2023-9-12 09:53 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 hbghlyj 于 2023-9-12 14:28 编辑 lunarskydiving.com/en/
434x0w.png The Fourth Dimension使你手拿一个超正方体。是一本 30 页的互动书,用任何人都能理解的语言解释了一个数学概念。该应用程序没有静态图像或录制视频,而是采用独特的 3D 触摸界面,让您可以亲手真正掌握第四维度的概念。
Wikipedia: List of four-dimensional games
4D Toys Full Blog Post with Videos: 4dtoys.com/mega/
4D Polytopes: Tesseract, etc.
4D Draw
4D Maze
PiBase: Topology
Hyperbolic Games
Curved Spaces
460x0w.png Let's try to create the tesseract anyway. Using two fingers, stretch the cube out into a tesseract. In the event that you observe worrisome fractures opening up in the spacetime continuum in your vicinity, please turn off your iPhone at once.
460x0w.png There's no way to fit a cube into your two dimensional universe, but the shadow of a cube can fit. From the point of view of the 2D creature, the cube's shadow has popped into existence in the flat 2D space right in front of it, surrounded by a glowing circle. Spin the cube to see how the shadow of the cube changes as the cube spins in 3D.
460x0w.png Spin the tesseract some more, using both 3D and 4D rotations. Watch what happens to the orange cube. This is easiest to understand if you make only one very small 4D rotation at a time, following each with a series of 3D rotations to see how your 4D rotation affected the tesseract's shape in 3D.
460x0w.png Let's try to better understand how a cube's shadow changes as it rotates in 3D. We'll color one side of the cube orange so we can follow it easily. Notice how the orange side of the cube that is farthest away from the light appears in the shadow as the small square.
460x0w.png In the third dimension, we have no way of directly seeinga tesseract, because it exists outside our 3D universe. However, just like we cast a cube's shadow into 2D, perhaps we can cast a shadow of a tesseract into 3D. How would that work?
460x0w.png Earlier, we cast a shadow of a cube onto a flat surface, from 3D to 2D, making it visible to an occupant of the second dimension. In the same way, we can make a 4D tesseract visible in our dimension by casting its shadow through the fourth dimension onto a volume of 3D space. Read that last sentence over a few times until the screaming in your head stops.


GMT+8, 2025-3-4 15:36

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