Hello,We're writing in reference to your Mathematics Stack Exchange account:
We noticed that you've edited Schur's inequality? a number of times over a relatively short period of time.
Editing posts, even deleted ones, bumps them to the front page which takes precious front page real estate, and can be disruptive to others. We appreciate well-thought posts, but there is no rush to submit a post or an edit before it's complete.
You can use the Sandbox for drafts of long, complex posts to slowly edit and improve your post, and then post a completed version.
We want to clarify that it is absolutely fine to edit mistakes out of your posts, but we expect that the majority of the edits are done before submitting.
Your account has been temporarily suspended for 7 days. While you’re suspended, your reputation will show as 1 but will be restored once the suspension ends.
Mathematics Stack Exchange Moderation Team