本帖最后由 hbghlyj 于 2023-9-20 01:01 编辑
平面上的点$A_1,A_2,\dots,A_n$,作折线$PP_1P_2\cdots P_n$,其中$P_1$在$PA_1$上,$P_2$在$P_1A_2$上,且$\frac{PA_1}{PP_1},\frac{P_1A_2}{P_1P_2},\cdots$成等差数列。 证明:不论$A_1,A_2,\dots,A_n$的次序如何变更,折线的终点$P$都是同一个点。Roger A. Johnson Advanced Euclidean Geometry page 79 §106 Theorem. Given in the plane $k+1$ points, $A_1, A_2, \ldots A_k$, $P$, and a fraction $m / n$. If we construct a broken line of it: then each successive segment toward one of the $A$'s, with multipliers in harmonic progression, viz:\begin{array}c
\overline{P_2P_3}=\frac{m}{2 m+n}\overline{P_2A_3},&\text{etc.}
\end{array}then the same point $P$ is the end of the broken line, in whatever order the points $A_1, A_2, \ldots A_k$ are taken. |
如果只有两个点,结论成立。如果点数超过两个,可以通过连续地交换一对相邻的点来实现,而每一次交换不影响最后的结果。 | If there are only two points the preceding theorem establishes the result. If there are more than two, any change of order can be effected by a succession of interchanges of pairs of $A$'s, no one of which affects the result. |