本帖最后由 hbghlyj 于 2022-7-27 04:33 编辑 见How to get a tab character
在 Discuz 的浏览帖子页, 制表位会被替换成8个空格. 例如 A[[Tab]]A 的效果是A A
在 HTML 中, 制表位会显示为1个空格的宽度 (无论是literal tab, 还是html实体 	 都一样).
在 <pre> 或 <textarea> 等标签中, 制表位会被替换为8ch (见注1).
position: absolute; left: 8em;
The ch unit, or the character unit is defined as being the “advanced measure” of the width of the zero character, 0 .
In monospace (fixed-width) fonts, where all characters are the same width, 1ch equals one character. In proportional (variable-width) fonts, any given character could be wider or narrower than the “0” character. |