Point(a:Scalar, b:Scalar) | Point constructor. Returns a coding for the point with
coordinates (a,b).
altitude(A:Point, B:Point, C:Point) | The altitude from onto .
angle_sum(a:Scalar, b:Scalar) | Returns , if .
centroid(A:Point, B:Point, C:Point) | Centroid of the triangle .
circle_center(c:Circle) | The center of the circle .
circle_slider(M:Point, A:Point, u:Scalar) | Choose a point on the circle with center and point
on the perimeter using a rational parametrization with
parameter .
circle_sqradius(c:Circle) | The squared radius of the circle .
circumcenter(A:Point, B:Point, C:Point) | The circumcenter of the triangle .
csym_point(P:Point, Q:Point) | The point symmetric to wrt. as symmetry center.
eq_angle(A:Point, B:Point, C:Point, D:Point, E:Point, F:Point) | Test for equal angle w(ABC) = w(DEF).
eq_dist(A:Point, B:Point, C:Point, D:Point) | Test for equal distance d(AB) = d(CD).
fixedpoint(A:Point, B:Point, u:Scalar) | The point on the line AB for a fixed value of u.
intersection_point(a:Line, b:Line) | The intersection point of the lines .
is_cc_tangent(c1:Circle, c2:Circle) | Zero iff circles and are tangent.
is_cl_tangent(c:Circle, l:Line) | Zero iff the line is tangent to the circle .
is_collinear(A:Point, B:Point, C:Point) | Zero iff are on a common line. For the signed area
of the triangle use triangle_area.
is_concurrent(a:Line, b:Line, c:Line) | Zero iff the lines pass through a common point.
is_concyclic(A:Point, B:Point, C:Point, D:Point) | Zero iff four given points are on a common circle.
is_equal(A:Scalar, B:Scalar) | Test for equality of A and B.
is_orthogonal(a:Line, b:Line) | zero iff the lines are orthogonal.
is_parallel(a:Line, b:Line) | Zero iff the lines are parallel.
l2_angle(a:Line, b:Line) | Tangens of the angle between and .
line_slider(a:Line, u:Scalar) | Chooses a point on using parameter .
median(A:Point, B:Point, C:Point) | The median line from to .
midpoint(A:Point, B:Point) | The midpoint of .
on_bisector(P:Point, A:Point, B:Point, C:Point) | Zero iff is a point on the (inner or outer) bisector of the
angle .
on_circle(P:Point, c:Circle) | Zero iff is on the circle .
on_line(P:Point, a:Line) | Zero iff is on the line
ortho_line(P:Point, a:Line) | The line through orthogonal to the line .
orthocenter(A:Point, B:Point, C:Point) | Orthocenter of the triangle .
other_cc_point(P:Point, c1:Circle, c2:Circle) | and intersect at .
The procedure returns the second intersection point.
other_cl_point(P:Point, c:Circle, l:Line) | and intersect at .
The procedure returns the second intersection point.
other_incenter(M:Point, A:Point, B:Point) | Let be a triangle and the incenter of
. Returns the excenter of on the bisector
p3_angle(A:Point, B:Point, C:Point) | Tangens of the angle between and .
p3_circle(A:Point, B:Point, C:Point) | The circle through 3 given points.
p9_center(A:Point, B:Point, C:Point) | Center of the nine-point circle of the triangle .
p9_circle(A:Point, B:Point, C:Point) | The nine-point circle (Feuerbach circle) of the triangle .
p_bisector(B:Point, C:Point) | The perpendicular bisector of .
pappus_line(A:Point, B:Point, C:Point, D:Point, E:Point, F:Point) | The Pappus line of a conic 6-tuple of points.
par_line(P:Point, a:Line) | The line through parallel to line .
par_point(A:Point, B:Point, C:Point) | Point D that makes a parallelogram.
pc_circle(M:Point, A:Point) | The circle with given center and circumfere point .
pedalpoint(P:Point, a:Line) | The pedal point of the perpendicular from onto .
pp_line(A:Point, B:Point) | The line through and .
radical_axis(c1:Circle, c2:Circle) | The radical axis of two circles, i.e. the line of point with equal pc_degree
wrt. to both circles. If the circles intersect this is the line through their
intersection points. If the circles don't intersect this are the point with
equal tangent segments to both circles.
rotate(C:Point, A:Point, angle:Scalar) | Rotate point A (counterclockwise) around center C with angle angle*Pi.
sqrdist(A:Point, B:Point) | Squared distance between and .
sqrdist_pl(A:Point, l:Line) | Squared distance between point and line
sym_line(a:Line, l:Line) | The line symmetric to wrt. the line .
sym_point(P:Point, l:Line) | The point symmetric to wrt. line .
triangle_area(A:Point, B:Point, C:Point) | Signed area of the directed triangle .
varpoint(A:Point, B:Point, u:Scalar) | The point that slides on the line
AB, with parameter u.