本帖最后由 hbghlyj 于 2021-11-20 08:04 编辑 Matlab没有内置的求多项式的GCD的函数.这里有人做了一个函数- function g = poly_gcd(p,q)
- if conv(p,q) == 0, g = 1; return, end;
- g1 = p(min(find(p)):end)/p(min(find(p)));
- g2 = q(min(find(q)):end)/q(min(find(q)));
- for k = 1:length(g1)+length(g2)
- t12 = length(g1)-length(g2); t21 = -t12;
- g3 = [g1,zeros(1,t21)]-[g2,zeros(1,t12)];
- g3 = [g3(min(find(abs(g3)>0.0001)):end)];
- if conv(g3,g2) == 0, g = g2; return; end;
- if t12 >= 0, g1 = g2; end; g2 = g3/g3(1);
- end;
复制代码 求整系数多项式的精确GCD(来自这里)- function [g,P] = intgcd(p,q)
- %
- % *** Exact GCD of a pair of integer polynomials ***
- % By F C Chang 10/28/08
- %
- % The polynomial GCD of two given polynomials can be found
- % exactly if the polynomial coefficients are all integers.
- %
- % The process involves only integer arithematics operations.
- % The floating point errors may be completely eliminated.
- %
- % The expected result is obtained by applying recurrently
- % "Elemination of leading coefficients of two equal-degree
- % polynomials." It is modified from "Monic polynomials
- % subtraction," presented previously.
- %
- % One of the main application is to factorize a integer
- % polynomial with multiple roots.
- %
- % References:
- % "GCD of Polynomials," 26 Jul 2008 (Updated 05 Sep 2008).
- % "Factoring a multiple-root polynomial." 18 Mar 2008.
- %
- %
- % -------------------------------------------------------------
- %
- %% Sample run on MATLAB:
- %
- % >> % Create a pair of test integer polymonial p(x) and its
- % >> % derivative q(x) to find the exact GCD of p(x) and q(x).
- % >> % Also printout "Polynomial remainder sequence" (PRS).
- % >> %
- %
- % >> Format long g
- % >> p = poly([-1 -1 -1 -1 -2 -2 -2 -3 -3 -4]), q = polyder(p),
- %
- % p =
- % 1 20 175 882 2835
- % 6072 8777 8458 5204 1848
- % 288
- % q =
- % 10 180 1400 6174 17010
- % 30360 35108 25374 10408 1848
- %
- % >> [g,P] = intgcd(p,q); celldisp(P), g,
- %
- % P{1} =
- % 1 20 175 882 2835
- % 6072 8777 8458 5204 1848
- % 288
- % P{2} =
- % 10 180 1400 6174 17010
- % 30360 35108 25374 10408 1848
- % P{3} =
- % 10 175 1323 5670 15180
- % 26331 29603 20816 8316 1440
- % P{4} =
- % 5 77 504 1830 4029
- % 5505 4558 2092 408
- % P{5} =
- % 7 105 670 2374 5107
- % 6829 5544 2500 480
- % P{6} =
- % 7 89 470 1334 2195
- % 2093 1072 228
- % P{7} =
- % 2 25 130 364 592
- % 559 284 60
- % P{8} =
- % 1 10 40 82 91
- % 52 12
- % P{9} =
- % 1 10 40 82 91
- % 52 12
- %
- % g =
- % 1 10 40 82 91
- % 52 12
- %
- % >> % Complete PRS may even be obtained by hand calculation! %
- %
- % ----------------------------------------------------------------
- %
- %
- %
- %function [g,P] = intgcd(p,q)
- %
- % *** Exact GCD of a pair of integer polynomials ***
- % by F C Chang 10/28/08
- if length(p) < 2, g = 1; P{1} = 1; return, end;
- n = length(p)-1; nc = max(find(abs(p)>0))-1;
- m = length(q)-1; mc = max(find(abs(q)>0))-1;
- p2 = p(1:nc+1);
- p3 = q(1:mc+1);
- for k = 1:nc+nc+2;
- p1 = recast(p2);
- p2 = [recast(p3),zeros(1,length(p2)-length(p3))];
- p3 = p1*p2(1)-p2*p1(1);
- p3 = p3(min(find(abs(p3)>0)):end);
- P{k} = p1(1:max(find(abs(p1)>0)));
- if isempty(find(abs(p3)>0)), P{k+1} = P{k}; break; end;
- end;
- gc = P{k};
- g = [gc,zeros(1,min(n-nc,m-mc))];
- celldisp(P); g,
- function [q,v] = recast(p)
- %
- % *** Recast a vector by dividing it with its own GCD ***
- % by F C Chang 09/28/08
- if abs(p) == 0, q = abs(p); v = 1; return; end;
- v = p(min(find(abs(p)>0))); p = p*sign(v);
- for j = 1:length(p),
- v = gcd(v,p(j)); if v==1, break, end;
- end;
- q = p/v;
复制代码 |