如题,retain display equation as tex code in tex4ht
tex4ht tutorial
tex4ht docPrivate Configuration Files
The leading entry, in the first list of options of the htlatex-like commands, can equal ‘html’ or ‘xhtml’. If this is not the case, the entry is assumed to be the name of a configuration file. The extension ‘cfg’ is assumed for names of configuration files that are listed without their extension.
A configuration file should take the following form for LaTeX files.
...early definitions...
...insertions into the header of the html file...
It is up to the user to decide the distribution of entries between the \Preamble and the htlatex-like commands.
Example The command ‘htlatex myfile "mycfg,2"’ requests the compilation of a file named myfile.tex, in the presence of a configuration file named mycfg.cfg. The configuration file might have the following content.
\Css{body { color : red; }}
\EndPreamble 好像是在当前目录下创建一个mycfg.cfg,然后用mycfg代替第二个参数里的mathjax |