About MathML Tools The MathML tools on this website take
advantage of Mathematica's built-in capabilities for importing,
processing, and exporting MathML.
Each tool is essentially a web-based interface for doing a specific type
of computation with Mathematica. The interaction between the web
page and the server is handled by webMathematica,
a Java-based application that integrates Mathematica with standard web technologies to
deliver dynamic computations over the web.
webMathematica uses Java Servlet technology to allow
Mathematica commands to be
embedded in a standard web page. The Mathematica commands are
inserted into the HTML document in the form of special Mathlet tags. When
you type in some input and press a button, the input is sent to the web
server. The Mathlet tags in the page are interpreted and
converted into standard Mathematica commands, which are then
evaluated by a copy of Mathematica running on the server. The
result of the
evaluation is embedded in an HTML document, which is then sent back to the
client machine and displayed in your browser.