It seems Microsoft Yahei UI is identical to Microsoft Yahei minus the spacing nonsense.
Microsoft YaHei UI 似乎与 Microsoft YaHei 相同,但右单引号后面没有过宽的空白。
Microsoft YaHei UI | Microsoft YaHei
| right single quote【’】与 apostrophe【'】 | right single quote【’】与 apostrophe【'】
总结一下: 在MS Word中, 当开启“straight quotes with smart quotes(直引号替换为弯引号)”时, 所有 apostrophe (比如当作缩略号的 gov't、o'er、we'll、don't、I'd、there's , 构成物主代词(possesive)的McDonald's、man's、3's)都被替换为 right single quote, 而right single quote与fullwidth single quote(全角单引号)的Unicode码点相同,导致在中文字体(如Microsoft YaHei)中具有2个字符宽度.
(不是apostrophe的问题.而是说apostrophe被自动替换为single quote. 注意,在两种字体中, apostrophe是相同的.)
另外, 对于TeX, 源码中的apostrophe, 在生成的pdf中也会变成right single quote
Word single quote problem
Extra font added after apostrophe
Source Han Sans Simplified Chinese: The double quotation marks are strange.
Apostrophe & quotation marks are inserted with extra spaces |