本帖最后由 hbghlyj 于 2022-12-23 00:55 编辑
使用QQ手机版扫码登录,或点击头像授权登录。 密码登录 注册帐号 意见反馈
localhost.ptlogin2.qq.com 会映射到127.0.0.1,为什么?查阅多方资料发现,其实这种映射其实很简单,就是域名解析的时候将子域名映射到127.0.0.1即可(前提你有注册域名),我想腾讯应该也是这样做的,这样处理可以完美解决浏览器跨域问题。
Public Wildcard Domain Name To Resolve To
DNS lookup: localhost.ptlogin2.qq.com
{"Status":0,"TC":false,"RD":true,"RA":true,"AD":false,"CD":false,"Question":[{"name":"localhost.ptlogin2.qq.com.","type":1}],"Answer":[{"name":"localhost.ptlogin2.qq.com.","type":1,"TTL":300,"data":""}],"Comment":"Response from"}
这里的TTL是指time to live
DNS TTL (time to live) is a setting that tells the DNS resolver how long to cache a query before requesting a new one. The information gathered is then stored in the cache of the recursive or local resolver for the TTL before it reaches back out to collect new, updated details.
For example, if the DNS TTL is set to 1800 seconds (30 mins), the resolver will have to regather the details around a website like varonis.com every 30 minutes. If 100 users visit the site in that period, they will all see the same thing, until the resolvers update their TTL. Time to live is the least understood in regards to the overall DNS strategy. In the following guide, we will learn about all the details around how DNS TTL operates and also some strategy best practices. |