这本英国旧书把$n+1$的阶乘写成$\enclose{left bottom}{n+1}$ 好像比$(n+1)!$方便一些
Wikipedia: Another later notation, in which the argument of the factorial was half-enclosed by the left and bottom sides of a box, was popular for some time in Britain and America but fell out of use, perhaps because it is difficult to typeset.
在History of Symbols for $n$ Factorial查到
The notation $\enclose{left bottom}{n}$ was suggested in 1827 by Thomas Jarrett (1805-1882) who had just graduated from St Catherine's College in Cambridge, England, with the degree of B. A. It occurs in a paper « On Algebraic Notation » that was printed in 1830.
在Thomas Jarrett查到这个符号源自德语:
It contained a suggestion for the notation for a factorial, written $\enclose{left bottom}{n}$ as opposed to $n!$ (a notation of German origin), that had wide currency in the nineteenth century.
- <menclose notation="left bottom">
- <mi>n</mi>
- <mo>+</mo>
- <mn>1</mn>
- </menclose>
MathML <menclose>查到madruwb为Arabic factorial symbol (阿语向左书写)
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