MathJax v4支持array环境的高级语法 New TeX Array Preamble OptionsTo help support line breaking within cells of wide tables, MathJax v4 includes support for the preamble column declarations defined in the array TeX package. These include the traditional c , l , and r for alignment of the contents of the cell (centered, left, or right), but adds support for p{width} , m{width} , and b{width} for vertical alignment of a fixed-width column in which line-breaking will occur at the given width, as well as w{align}{width} and W{align}{width} . There is also new support for >{...} and <{...} for adding content that is put before or after every entry in a column, as well as @{...} for replacing the inter-column space with the given content, and !{...} for replacing inter-column rules. Support for | and the non-standard : are improved so multiple copies of | and : now produce multiple rules that are close together. Finally, non-standard P{...} , M{...} , and B{...} are defined that produce math-mode versions of their corresponding lower-case counterparts. The \newcolumntype macro for declaring new column specifications is also available. Note that for p , m , b , w , W , P , M , and B columns, line-breaking will occur to the given column with if line-breaking is the active overflow setting. Otherwise, wide content will overflow the width, as in actual LaTeX. |