本帖最后由 hbghlyj 于 2024-9-5 13:20 编辑 hbghlyj 发表于 2023-8-1 04:00
对于10个点$A_1,\dots,A_{10}$右边恰有 20 个点与之相连,记为集合$\mathcal B_1$
对于10个点$A_3,\dots,A_{12}$右边恰有 20 个点与之相连,记为集合$\mathcal B_2$
对于8个点$A_3,\dots,A_{10}$右边恰有 16 个点与之相连,记为集合$\mathcal B_3$
因为$\{A_1,\dots,A_{10}\}\cup\{A_3,\dots,A_{12}\}=\{A_1,\dots,A_{12}\}$,要证的等价于$\abs{\mathcal B_1\cup\mathcal B_2}=24$.
因为$\{A_1,\dots,A_{10}\}\cap\{A_3,\dots,A_{12}\}=\{A_3,\dots,A_{10}\}$,所以$\mathcal B_3\subseteq\mathcal B_1\cap\mathcal B_2$
\begin{align*}\abs{\mathcal B_1\cup\mathcal B_2}&=\abs{\mathcal B_1}+\abs{\mathcal B_2}-\abs{\mathcal B_1\cap\mathcal B_2}\\
&\le\abs{\mathcal B_1}+\abs{\mathcal B_2}-\abs{\mathcal B_3}\\
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Theorem 3.6. Given a bipartite graph $G = (V_0, V_1, E)$, the coverage function $f$ is sub-modular.
Proof. Since $N (X)∩N (Y ) ⊇ N (X ∩Y )$ and $N (X)∪N (Y ) = N (X ∪Y )$, the non-negativity of the cardinality function implies at once the submodular inequality. |