我也不會弄 只是搜到4#鏈接,說Ghostscript可以。
Since your source files are Excel sheets made from templates (which usually don't use a lot of different fonts), you could try to use a trick to make sure Ghostscript has all the required glyphs of the fonts used in all to-be-merged-later PDFs:
For each font and face (standard, italic, bold, bold-italic) add a table cell into your template sheet at the top left of your print area.
Fill this table cell with all printable characters and punctuation signs from the ASCII alphabet: 0123456789, ABCD...XYZ, abc...xyz, :-_;°%&$§")({}[] etc.
Make the cell (and the fontsize) as small as you want or need in order to not disturb your overall layout. Use the color white to format the characters in the cell (so they appear invisible in the final PDF).
This method will hopefully make sure that each of your PDFs will use the same subset of glyphs which would then avoid the problems you observed when merging the files with Ghostscript. (Note, that you if you use f.e. Arial and Arial-Italic, you have to create 2 such cells: one formatted with the standard Arial typeface, the other one with the italic one.) |