第13页 | We shall prove that our constrained minimization problem has a unique solution given by the system of linear equations
C^{-1} y+A \lambda & =b, \\
A^{\top} y & =f,
which can be written in matrix form as
C^{-1} & A \\
A^{\top} & 0
y \\
b \\
\end{array}\right) .
\]Note that the matrix of this system is symmetric. Eliminating $y$ from the first equation
C^{-1} y+A \lambda=b,
we get
y=C(b-A \lambda),
and substituting into the second equation, we get
A^{\top} C(b-A \lambda)=f,
that is,
A^{\top} C A \lambda=A^{\top} C b-f .
\]However, by a previous remark, since $C$ is symmetric positive definite and the columns of $A$ are linearly independent, $A^{\top} C A$ is symmetric positive definite, and thus invertible. |