Given: A finite set $S$. $G$ is the symmetric group on $S$. $\sigma$ is an automorphism of $G$ that sends transpositions to transpositions.
To prove: $\sigma$ is inner.
Proof: By fact (1), it suffices to find $g \in G$ such that conjugation by $g$ agrees with $\sigma$ on the set of transpositions. Further, we can assume that $S$ has at least three elements (The statement is obviously true for $S$ having zero, one, or two elements). We now describe how the permutation $g$ can be constructed explicitly.
Also, we use fact (2) at many steps, without explicitly acknowledging it.
- Pick distinct elements $a,b,c \in S$. Then, both $\sigma((a,b))$ and $\sigma((a,c))$ are transpositions. We claim that these transpositions have exactly one element in common: If $\sigma((a,b))$ and $\sigma((a,c))$ have no element in common, then they commute, and hence, $(a,b)$ commutes with $(a,c)$, which is not true. Thus, $\sigma((a,b))$ and $\sigma((a,c))$ have exactly one element in commmon.
- Pick distinct elements $a,b,c \in S$. Then, there are elements $a',b',c' \in S$ such that $\sigma((a,b)) = (a',b')$, $\sigma((b,c)) = (b',c')$ and $\sigma((c,a)) = (c',a')$: This follows directly from the previous step.
- For any element $a \in S$, there is a unique element $g(a)$ that is involved in the transposition $\sigma((a,b))$ for every $b \ne a$: For any $b \ne c$ distinct from $a$, there exist $a',b',c'$ as described in the previous step. We now show that $\sigma((a,d))$ is also a transposition involving $a'$.
- Since $(a,d)$ commutes with $(b,c)$, $\sigma((a,d))$ commutes with $(b',c')$. In particular, it cannot be a transposition involving $b'$ or $c'$.
- Since $(a,b)$ does not commute with $(a,d)$, $\sigma((a,b))$ does not commute with $\sigma((a,d))$, so they must have an element in common. Thus, either $a'$ or $b'$ is involved in $\sigma((a,d))$.
- These together force $a'$ to be involved in $\sigma((a,d))$.
- We can thus define $g(a)$ as the unique element involved in $\sigma((a,x))$ for every transposition involving $a$.
- The previous step yields a map $g:S \to S$ such that for any transposition $(a,b)$, $\sigma((a,b))$ is a transposition involving both $g(a)$ and $g(b)$. Step (2) makes it clear that $g(a) \ne g(b)$, so $\sigma((a,b)) = (g(a),g(b))$. Thus, $\sigma$ is induced by conjugation by the permutation $g$.