本帖最后由 hbghlyj 于 2023-1-19 11:16 编辑 找到了相同的问题2022-10-15
MikTeX ships with a hopelessly out-of-date copy of asy.exe that is incompatible with the latest versions of Asymptote. Because of the order in which Windows searches for executable, it was finding this old version before it found the new one. One solution is to reorder the PATH paths so that Asymptote precedes MikTeX.
在SourceForge下载最新版本2.83, 将安装路径加入环境变量PATH, 问题就解决了(如果有打开的命令行窗口, 需要关闭再打开)
之前(旧版) | 之后(新版)
| asy --version
miktex-asy version 2.79 [(C) 2004 Andy Hammerlindl, John C. Bowman, Tom Prince] | asy --version
Welcome to Asymptote version 2.83 (to view the manual, type help) |