Left: 旋转
Shift Left: 缩放
Ctrl Left: shift viewport 平移
Alt Left: pan (好像也是 平移??有什么区别)
Wheel Up: 放大
Wheel Down: 缩小
Right: 缩放
Shift Right: 关于X轴旋转
Ctrl Right: 关于Y轴旋转
Alt Right: 关于Z轴旋转
h: home
f: toggle fitscreen
x: spin about the X axis
y: spin about the Y axis
z: spin about the Z axis
s: stop spinning
m: rendering mode (solid/patch/mesh)
e: export
c: show camera parameters
p: play animation
r: reverse animation
: step animation
+: expand
=: expand
>: expand
-: shrink
_: shrink
<: shrink
q: exit
Ctrl-q: exit |