Suppose that A commutes with B. Multiplying the identity AB = BA on the left and right by adj(A) proves that $ \det(\mathbf {A} )\operatorname {adj} (\mathbf {A} )\mathbf {B} =\det(\mathbf {A} )\mathbf {B} \operatorname {adj} (\mathbf {A} )$. If A is invertible, this implies that adj(A) also commutes with B. Over the real or complex numbers, continuity implies that adj(A) commutes with B even when A is not invertible.
AB = BA 左乘和右乘 adj(A) 得
adj(A) AB adj(A) = adj(A) BA adj(A) 由 adj(A) A = A adj(A) = det(A) I 得
det(A) B adj(A) = det(A) adj(A) B |