@River Li的证明:
Sketch of a proof.
If $x = 0$, we have $Q(l) = y^2(l^2+y^2-2l+1)(l^2-3y^2+2l+1)$,
and the statement is true.
In what follows, assume that $x \ne 0$. We split into three cases.
- Case 1. $x > 0$ and $y^2 < 3x^2$
We have $Q(\infty) = -\infty$.
Also, we have
$$Q\left(x - 1 + \frac{y^2}{x}\right)
= \frac{y^4(x^2 + y^2)(x^2 + y^2 - 2x)^2}{x^4} \ge 0.$$
- Case 2. $x > 0$ and $y^2 \ge 3x^2$
We have $Q(-1) < 0$, and $Q(\infty) = \infty$.
We have $Q(-1) < 0$.
(i) If $y^2 > 3x^2$, we have $Q(\infty) = \infty$.
(ii) If $y^2 \le 3x^2$, we have
$$Q(-2x + 2) = \left[ 3y^4+(18x^2-22x+3)y^2+15x^4-30x^3+15x^2
\right] $$
\left( 3\,{x}^{2}-{y}^{2}-6\,x+3 \right) \ge 0.
We are done. |