- For $α, β ∈\barℤ$ show that $ℤ[α][β]$ is a finitely generated $ℤ$-module.
- Conversely, show that if $ℤ[γ]$ is a finitely generated $ℤ$-module then $γ ∈\bar ℤ$.
- Deduce that $\barℤ$ is a ring.
For 2, see Prove that $\barℤ$ is a ring Czhang271828's answer
若 $K[a]$ 为有限生成 $K$-模, 取生成元 $\{x_i\}_{i=1}^ n\subseteq K[a]$. 从而存在矩阵 $A\in K^{n\times n}$ 使得\[(x_1\,x_2\,\cdots \,x_n)\cdot a=(x_1\,x_2\,\cdots \,x_n)\cdot A.\]此时 $aI-A$ 有零特征向量, 因此 $a$ 是首一多项式 $\det(xI-A)$ 的根.
Related: not every ideal in $\barℤ$ is finitely generated. |