CLMUL instruction set
Mathematically, the instruction implements multiplication of polynomials over the finite field GF(2) where the bitstring ${\displaystyle a_{0}a_{1}\ldots a_{63}}$ represents the polynomial ${\displaystyle a_{0}+a_{1}X+a_{2}X^{2}+\cdots +a_{63}X^{63}}$. 与传统指令集相比, CLMUL允许更有效地实现 GF($2^k$) 有限域上的乘法。操作说明 | 描述 |
PCLMULQDQ | GF (2) 有限域上两个 64 位多项式的无进位乘法 |
PCLMULLQLQDQ xmmreg,xmmrm [rm: 66 0f 3a 44 /r 00]
PCLMULHQLQDQ xmmreg,xmmrm [rm: 66 0f 3a 44 /r 01]
PCLMULLQHQDQ xmmreg,xmmrm [rm: 66 0f 3a 44 /r 02]
PCLMULHQHQDQ xmmreg,xmmrm [rm: 66 0f 3a 44 /r 03]
PCLMULQDQ xmmreg,xmmrm,imm [rmi: 66 0f 3a 44 /r ib] |