We can start with any angle in between about 30º and 90º.
Here we've labelled the angle ABC.
Using compasses measure off three equal sections along BC labelled 1,2,3.
Draw two big arcs centred on B, one to pass through point 2 and the other to pass point 3.
You now bisect the angle ABC. One way to do it is to draw in two lines between the points where the arcs cross the lines AB and BC, then draw the bisector BD through the point where these new lines cross.
All nice and easy so far.
Now you bisect angle ABD. You can use cross lines again, and you end up drawing line BE.
After that, you draw a circle. The centre point is X which is where BE crosses the "2" arc, and the circle goes through point B. (So the circle will have the same radius as the 2 arc.)
The circle cuts BD at point Y.
You now draw a line through Y parallel to BC. (If you don't know how to construct parallel lines with a straight edge and compasses, you'll find it in Savage Shapes. Sorry, we don't have space to tell you here!)
This parallel line cuts the 3 arc at point Z.
You draw a line from B that goes through Z to P. This line divides the angle in the ratio 1:2 !
Finally you bisect the angle PBC and draw line BQ.
The angle has been trisected perfectly ... or has it?