Ivory's theorem
Ivory’s Theorem revisited
Recalling Ivory's Theorem
Dictionary of Mathematical Eponymy: Ivory's Theorem
Ivory's theorem in hyperbolic spaces - Institute of Geometry
ivory's theorem - in the minkowski plane
Incircular nets and confocal conics
Fun Problems in Geometry and Beyond16. Izmestiev I., Tabachnikov S., Ivory's theorem revisited, J. Integrable Syst. 2 (2017), xyx006, 36 pages, arXiv:1610.01384.
IVORY. In phr. Ivory's theorem, in Math., on the correspondences produced by confocal ellipsoids (sometimes called ivorys), a basic proposition in the theory of attraction. [Formulated in 1809 by James Ivory (1765–1842) of Dundee, Professor of Mathematics at the Royal Military College.]
Ivory's and Arnold's theorems on the sphere and in the hyperbolic space
Mathematical Aspects of Classical and Celestial Mechanics 2007 · Mathematics However, the question whether the generalized Sundman theorem is valid for the ... in the exterior are ellipsoids confocal to the layer (Ivory's theorem).
A Treatise on Analytical Statics - Page 111 Edward John Routh · 1922 Ivory's theorem . To find the attraction of a solid . homogeneous ellipsoid at an external point P whose coordinates are E , n ' , s .
The Messenger of Mathematics 1903 · Mathematics ON A GENERALISATION OF IVORY'S THEOREM . By A. L. Dixon , Merton College , Oxford . IN Cayley's theory of distance ( sixth memoir on quantics , Coll .
The Universe of Quadrics - Page 306 Ivory's Theorem This famous theorem can be directly extracted from Theorem 7.2.1. Below, we combine it with Lemma 7.2.6. Theorem 7.2.2 (Ivory's Theorem in ...
the values of simplicity and generality in chasles's geometrical Ivory's theorem (my figure). In his 1838 memoir on the attraction of ellipsoids, Chasles was able to use this theorem to derive a much shorter
A Generalization of Ivory’s Theorem
The Universe of Conics: From the ancient Greeks to 21st century developments 477页
Remarks on Joachimsthal Integral and Poritsky Property 8. Izmestiev, I., Tabachnikov, S.: Ivory's theorem revisited.
Between Rigidity and Flexibility 3.2 Flipping bipartite frameworks
Given: Net of confocal conics in the Euclidean plane $E^2$: Ivory’s Theorem: $X_1X'_2 = X'_1X_2$
H. Stachel, J. Wallner, Ivory’s theorem in hyperbolic spaces, Sibirsk. Mat. Zh..pdf
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On the Functional Equations f(x iy) = f(x) f(iy) and f(x iy) = f(x)-f(iy) and on.pdf
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1901] deutsche mathematiker-vereinigting. 113 - Project Euclid.pdf
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