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There are
primitive polynomials over $\hbox{GF}(q)$
Maurice R. Kibler, Galois Fields and Galois Rings Made Easy
§ Number of primitive polynomials
Proposition 2.15 The number of primitive polynomials of the Galois field $\hbox{GF}(p^m)$, i.e. the number of primitive polynomials of degree $m$ over $\mathbb F_p$, is $\frac1m(φ(p^m−1))$, where φ is the Euler function (see Appendix for the definition of φ). people.eecs.berkeley.edu/~ananth/229BSpr05/ffnotes05.pdf
Corollary 1 The number of primitive polynomials in $\hbox{GF}(2)[x]$ of degree $m$ is exactly $\frac{\phi\left(2^m-1\right)}{m}$.
Proof: Every primitive polynomials in $\hbox{GF}(2)[x]$ of degree $m$ shows up exactly once as a factor of $x\left(x^{2^m-1}-1\right)$. There are exactly $\phi\left(2^m-1\right)$ primitive elements in a field of size $2^m$ and the nonzero elements of $F$ are all roots of $x^{2^m-1}-1$, so their minimal polynomials are factors of $x^{2^m-1}-1$. The minimal polynomials of the primitive elements must be primitive and of degree $m$, and each of the |