Note that if $GX_1$ and $GX_2$ are free groups, the already known result for subgroups of direct products of two free groups is achieved.
Stallings showed that $F_2 × F_2 = 〈a, b, c, d \mid [a,c],[a,d],[b,c],[b,d]〉$ is not coherent by checking that the kernel of $F_2 × F_2 → ℤ$ sending $a, b, c$ and $d$ to 1 is finitely generated but not finitely presented.
Let $K$ be that kernel. Proving that $K$ is not finitely presented is a consequence of the previous theorem: It is easy to check that $L_1$ and $L_2$ are $〈〈ab^{−1}〉〉$ and $〈〈cd^{−1}〉〉$, respectively. These are not finitely generated, so by Theorem 2.2, the result is obtained.