以下是问题的其余部分:c) Define the function
g(x)=f(x)-\frac{f(p)}{p} x
Prove that $g$ is also bounded below on the interval $[0, p]$ and satisfies Cauchy's equation.
d) Show that $g$ is periodic with period $p$ in the sense that $g(x+p)=g(x)$ for all real $x$. Conclude from this, and the fact that $g$ is bounded below on the interval $[0, p]$ that $g$ is bounded below on the entire real line $(-\infty,+\infty)$
e) Suppose that there exists some $x_0$ for which $g\left(x_0\right) \neq 0$. Prove a contradiction, by showing that the sequence of values $g\left(n x_0\right), n=$ $\pm 1, \pm 2, \pm 3, \ldots$ is not bounded below.
f) Conclude that $g(x)=0$ for all real $x$, and therefore that $f(x)=a x$ for all real $x$, where $a=f(p) / p$. 要求读者填写证明细节 |